This stunning bouquet is a feast for the senses. The soft pinks are a whisper of tenderness, the rich purples a symphony of creativity, and the vibrant yellows a burst of sunshine. Each carefully chosen bloom represents a unique charm, and together they create a truly unforgettable arrangement.
Whether you're looking for a gift to show your love, appreciation, or simply to brighten someone's day, this bouquet is sure to please. It's the perfect way to add a touch of beauty and joy to any occasion.
Dreamy Pastel features half a dozen preserved roses in the shades of pink and purple, adorned with billy buttons, statice, misty blue, and other seasonal blooms.
This hand-crafted bouquet is elegantly wrapped and tied with a satin ribbon.
This product is available for same-day delivery or convenient pick-up. Send us a direct message here.
Our dried flowers can last up to 3yrs or more with a bit of TLC.
🤍Dried flowers do not require water.
🤍We recommend an occasional light dusting
🤍Keep out of direct sunlight to prevent the colors from fading.
🤍Store in a cool, dry place.
🤍Temperature changes should be avoided to prevent humidity and molds.