This beautiful and romantic bouquet is made with the utmost care and attention to detail. It is perfect for any occasion and will surely bring a smile to your loved one's face.
The bouquet features beautiful flowers that speak of love, dreams, and the exhilarating feeling when sparks ignite. Like the electrifying melodies and heartfelt lyrics of the song "Sparks Fly" by Taylor Swift, this bouquet brings an enchanting blend of beauty, romance, and pure magic.
This arrangement features half a dozen preserved roses in the softest purple color palette, adorned with strawflowers, statice, misty blue, and other seasonal blooms.
This hand-crafted bouquet is elegantly wrapped and tied with a satin ribbon.
This product is available for same-day delivery or convenient pick-up. Send us a direct message here.
Our dried flowers can last up to 3yrs or more with a bit of TLC.
🤍Dried flowers do not require water.
🤍We recommend an occasional light dusting
🤍Keep out of direct sunlight to prevent the colors from fading.
🤍Store in a cool, dry place.
🤍Temperature changes should be avoided to prevent humidity and molds.