This is the bouquet to send if you have that kind of love that lasts forever. Designed to last by combining preserved and dried elements!
Just for You features half a dozen preserved roses in the softest lilac color palette, adorned with preserved lily leaf, blush pink hydrangea, and other seasonal blooms.
Please note: Some of the flowers used are seasonal, and we may substitute them for similar and equally elegant stems. Due to the natural materials used, your bunch may differ slightly from the pictures but will still be just as beautiful.
Approximate dimension | W 40cm x H 50cm
To guarantee you receive this beautiful floral arrangement, please place your order 2 days ahead of time. You can check availability and place your order by contacting us via WhatsApp at +63 943 054 1444. Same-day delivery is not possible for this arrangement.
Our dried flowers can last up to a year or more with a little TLC. 🤍
🤍Our preserved and dried flowers are 100% real and may be sensitive to humidity and sunlight. Lifespan can vary depending on the environment.
🤍For best care, display them in air-conditioned or well-ventilated areas, and avoid direct sunlight.
🤍Over time, preserved flowers may experience color changes and become translucent due to moisture exposure. High humidity, especially during the rainy season, can lead to mold growth. Gently clean them with small brushes and dry tissues. If mold persists, you may need to carefully trim away the affected areas.